Welcome To

Lightup Foundation

Lightup Foundation is a charity organization with International remit. We simply target community projects that make a genuine difference to the lives of young people and the disadvantaged.

Presidential Remark

From His Excellency Ersin Tatar
President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Some Of Our Best Projects So Far

Lightup Projects

Advocacy for Support for Ukrainian Orphans.

Lightup Foundation Advocay Work In Northern Cyprus.

Lightup School

Creating Awareness & Alternative Mission (CAA Mission) on Irregular Migration.

Lightup Foundation has spearheaded various initiatives to promote its vision, and its impact is felt in numerous countries where it has actively engaged with local and international stakeholders to create sustainable solutions.

We are always working!

  • To empower young people to be instruments in the delivery of community development aid, not just the beneficiaries of it;
  • To support and enable young people successfully to complete simple development projects with peer/community support.
  • To promote stronger bonds within communities where inclusive relationships build trust and mutual support and create communities in which everyone is valued, thereby preventing fear, mistrust, and social breakdown.

Find Out More Below

Our Vision & Mission

Empower and support young people and disadvantaged individuals with the necessary tools to achieve their goals in life. Lightup will lead selfless effort to connect young people and disadvantaged individuals with life changing opportunities

Aims & Objectives

We are out to encourage Volunteerism i.e. selflessness in our society. To help discourage the idea of idleness even in the job seeking members in the community.

Our Committment

We are committed to a selfless effort geared towards the peaceful co-existence of the people through recognizing and responding to the needs of our immediate community.

Lightup Foundation and Bag of Hope

Bag of Hope is a Lightup Foundation project. Lightup Foundation is a registered charity in the United Kingdom with Charity Number: 1136959, while Lightup Scotland Charity Registration Number is: SC043020.

Lightup is actively involved in working on community projects, humanitarian services, as well as inspiring and empowering young people in the U.K. and Africa to be proactive in creating positive change in, and making positive impact, on their various communities.

  • Lightup Foundation empowers youth in U.K. and Africa.
  • Offers counselling, training, and mentoring for skill development.

Our Gallery

Lightup Testimonies

Charity in motion