Lightup Foundation Welcomes Black Refugees Fleeing Ukraine War To Hungary

SLOVAKIA: Lightup in Slovakia attending to approximately 400 Refugees of colour – Nigerian, Ghanaian, and different African youths (Age range – 16 to 30 years).

Raising Funds And Support For Black Refugees Fleeing Ukraine War To Slovakia

Documentary On Activities In Poland, Slovakia

Arise TV Interview to appeal for support for the Ukraine refugees

GERMANY: Number of refugees worked with: 100 Refugees of colour – Nigerian, Ghanaian, different African youths (Age range – 16 to 30 years).
In Germany the refugees of colour were humiliated by the German Police, some of the refugees’ travel documents and passports were seized. Lightup began advocacy with the government of Germany and all passports and travel documents were recovered. The black refugees in Leipzig were left in camp while other refugees were transferred to a proper hotel within Leipzig. During Lightup’s continuous advocacy, requests were made for proper welfare for all the refugees of colour. Eventually refugees of colour were moved to a proper hotel accommodation.

Advocacy To Retrieve Seized International Passports And Documents/Proper Welfare Secured

AdvocacyIn Germany

Advocacy with Refugees in Germany

Another Travel Document Released – After Continuous Advocacy

Advocacy Work For Better Welfare And Support For Africans Fleeing Ukraine War To Germany

ROMANIA: Lightup visited and supported – 30 Refugees of colour – Nigerian, Ghanaian, different African youths (Age range 16 to 30 years).
POLAND: Number of refugees worked with – 600 (Age range: Youth – 16 to 30 years).

Poland - Lightup Joins Group To Distribute Food To Africans Fleeing Ukraine To Poland

Lightup Appeals For Support For African Youths Whose Countries Are At War